Video Wall Display: Does Your Business Need One? Elevate Your Space with Advanced Video Wall Systems | Transformative Display Technology

Video Wall Display: Does Your Business Need One?

Blog | Last Updated: Mar 07, 2024

In the digital age, video walls have become essential for creating immersive and dynamic visual experiences. These systems, made up of multiple interconnected screens, offer unparalleled flexibility and scalability. They enable businesses across various sectors to captivate audiences with high-resolution imagery and interactive content. From sprawling advertisements in retail environments to informative displays in corporate settings, video walls are redefining visual communication.

Video Wall Display: Does Your Business Need One?

Video Wall Features

QueueBee's video wall solutions are at the forefront of digital display technology, combining advanced functionalities with user-friendly interfaces. Our systems empower users—from content creators to IT administrators—with tools that make managing and displaying content both simpler and more impactful.

Video Wall Features

Advanced Content Management with Drag and Drop CMS

Our intuitive content management system (CMS) stands at the heart of our video wall technology. Designed for ultimate ease of use, it allows users to update their playlists with a simple drag-and-drop interface. This feature is particularly beneficial in fast-paced environments where content needs to change regularly, ensuring that your video wall remains a vibrant, engaging focal point.

Advanced Content Management with Drag and Drop

Our intuitive content management system (CMS) stands at the heart of our video wall technology. Designed for ultimate ease of use, it allows users to update their playlists with a simple drag-and-drop interface. This feature is particularly beneficial in fast-paced environments where content needs to change regularly, ensuring that your video wall remains a vibrant, engaging focal point.

Comprehensive Proof of Play Reports

Recognising the importance of performance metrics, our video walls generate detailed proof of play reports. With various templates available, these reports provide valuable insights into which content is performing best. This feature is invaluable for advertisers and content managers looking to measure ROI and content effectiveness.

Simplified Content Display Across Multiple Units

QueueBee's video wall technology simplifies content display across multiple units of interactive digital signage. This ensures a cohesive and consistent messaging strategy across large spaces or multiple locations, enhancing the customer experience and reinforcing brand identity. Whether managing a single large-scale video wall or a network of interactive digital signs, our system offers a seamless solution for content management.

QueueBee's video wall solutions offer flexibility and impact by catering to the specific demands of different industries. Not only do they enhance the aesthetics of a space, but they also contribute to more effective communication, engagement, and operational efficiency.

Video Wall Components

Understanding the components that make up a video wall system is essential for appreciating both the technology's capabilities and the value it brings to various applications. QueueBee's video wall solutions are built with top-tier components to ensure reliability, high performance, and stunning visual outputs.

Video Wall Panels

The core of any video wall system is its panels. QueueBee offers both LED and LCD panels that are ideal for different lighting conditions and indoor applications. Our panels are selected for their vibrant colors, deep blacks, and energy efficiency, ensuring that each display delivers exceptional visual quality.

Video Wall Controller

At the heart of our system is the video wall controller, a crucial piece of hardware that manages the distribution of content across the panels. This ensures seamless visual integrity and is equipped with the latest technology to handle high-resolution content without any loss of quality.

Mounting System

Our mounting system provides robust structural support for the panels. It is designed for flexibility and ease of installation, ensuring secure and aesthetically pleasing setups in various environments. This system allows for quick adjustments and maintenance without compromising on stability or visual appeal.

Connectivity Solutions

QueueBee's video wall systems support a variety of input sources and connectivity types, including HDMI and DisplayPort. This facilitates seamless integration with existing AV infrastructure, making our video walls versatile for any setting.

By integrating these components, QueueBee's video wall solutions deliver engaging visual experiences, catering to the diverse needs of clients across industries. Whether for advertising, information dissemination, or entertainment, our video walls stand out as a reliable and effective choice.

Video Wall Components

Video Wall Application

Video wall can be used in various industry such as

Building Lobby

Building Lobby

Retail Advertising

Retail Advertising



Conference or Meeting Room

Conference / Meeting Room





Buyer’s Tips for a Video Wall

Buyer’s Tips For A Video Wall

Investing in a video wall system is a significant decision that can greatly enhance how your organization communicates and engages with its audience. Here are some essential tips and considerations to help you make an informed choice:

What size video wall do I need?

The size of your video wall should primarily be dictated by the space where it will be installed and the typical viewing distance of your audience. For larger environments where viewers will be further away, a bigger display ensures that the content is impactful and legible. Conversely, in smaller or more intimate settings, a smaller video wall might be more suitable to avoid overwhelming the space. Consider the dimensions of your area and consult with QueueBee’s experts to find the perfect balance between size, resolution, and viewer experience.

LED vs LCD Video Walls: Which is better?

Choosing between LED and LCD video walls depends on several factors, including intended use, installation environment, and budget:

LED Video Walls

Offer higher brightness and contrast ratios, enhancing visibility in various lighting conditions. Provide a wider viewing angle, suitable for both indoor and outdoor settings. More scalable for larger sizes with minimal bezels, ensuring a seamless visual experience

LCD Video Walls

Generally more cost-effective, making them a viable option for tighter budgets. Offer higher resolution at smaller sizes, ideal for indoor applications where viewers are close to the screen. Feature visible bezels, which may interrupt the seamless view in larger setups.

What is the difference between a TV and a video wall?

While both TVs and video walls can display content, video walls offer superior scalability, customization, and durability for commercial and professional environments. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

Scalability and Customisation

Video walls can be customized to various sizes and configurations to fit specific spaces and needs, something not possible with standard TVs. This flexibility allows for truly immersive environments that can be tailored to any venue or event requirements.


Designed for long hours of operation, video walls can handle the demands of continuous use far better than consumer-grade TVs. Their robust construction ensures longevity and reliability in demanding commercial settings.

Content Management

When paired with advanced platforms like QB10, QB20, or CCQ, video walls allow for more sophisticated content management across multiple screens. This capability provides a cohesive and dynamic presentation that is not achievable with standalone TVs.
What is the difference between a TV and a video wall?

Can you use regular TVs for a video wall?

While it is technically possible to use regular TVs to create a basic video wall setup, this approach generally lacks the durability, image quality, and seamless integration offered by professional video wall systems. Regular TVs are not designed for continuous, long-term use and may not provide the uniformity in brightness and colour calibration that video wall panels offer. For professional settings and optimal viewer experience, investing in a dedicated video wall system is recommended.

Elevate Your Space with QueueBee Video Walls

Unlock the potential of dynamic visual communication with QueueBee's cutting-edge video wall technology. Tailored for diverse applications, our video walls boost customer engagement, enhance operational efficiency, and create striking visual narratives. Ready to transform your environment? Experience the difference with QueueBee Video Walls.
